Senticore DB2 Practice

There was a time when DB2 database technology was the only game in town. As time passed, many contenders carved out large parts of the database scene for themselves. However, DB2 is still going strong in its different flavors: in mainframe, AIX and LUW applications, DB2 continues to offer its users an exceptional combination of stability, performance and security.
Teams of competent, available DB2 experts are not easy to find. For many historical reasons, the field of DB2 maintenance and development experts is scarce and fragmented.
Enter Senticore DB2 Practice, where we offer a one-stop capability staffed with top-level DB2 experts from the touted IBM Gold Consultants program. These super-professionals have decades of DB2 experience and know all ins and outs of the DB2 universe.
The Senticore DB2 Practice can assist clients with a wide spectrum of scenarios and technology landscapes involving DB2 related technologies: performance, security, HADR, DevOps, migrations between various DB2 versions and platforms, migrations between DB2 and other database vendors, between on-premise and public cloud infrastructures, and more.
Talk to us, and we will have all your DB2 needs covered.